Suburban Lumber Blog

Suburban Lumber Blog

Your Cedar Rapids Home Improvement Partner

  October 29, 2018

  Home Improvement

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Replacing Historic Windows, Pt. II: Tudor

  September 26, 2018 Read more »

Should You Consider a Front Door Replacement?

  September 26, 2018 Read more »

Replacing Historic Windows the Right Way

  August 23, 2018 Read more »

Incorporating Universal Design in your Home

  July 31, 2018 Read more »

Skip the Hassle with Composite Decking

  July 18, 2018

  Home Improvement

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How to Enhance Your Curb Appeal

  June 13, 2018 Read more »

How to Begin a Remodeling Project

  May 03, 2018

  Home Improvement

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5 Home Upgrades Worth the Investment

  April 20, 2018

  Insider, Home Improvement

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Why Shop at Suburban Lumber?

  April 12, 2018

  Insider, Home Improvement

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